
Support Information


We maintain a comprehensive file of Jenny manuals and parts list.
Most Jenny parts are still available for Jenny products produced over the last 80 years.

If you do not have a Jenny product manual or parts list for your Jenny product, requesting your FREE PDF manual would be your first step in correctly ordering repair parts.

To get your Jenny PDF manual and parts list emailed directly to you, please send us an email including your model number and serial number (if avaliable) to

Hard copy manual reprints are also available for purchase, the cost is $30.00 plus $5.00 shipping per manual.
Call 804-798-4900, or 804-365-7959 to place your order.

Literature can be requested as follows:

Knowledgeable friendly assistance is available to help you to choose the correct model for your application.

The following basic information is needed for inquiries:
  1. Who - will be operating this equipment? Single or multiple operators.
  2. What - is the material being removed, off of what surface or substrate?
  3. Where - do you intend to wash? Same location such as a inside wash bay or will you be moving washer around a lot to various locations outside?
  4. When - how often will cleaning occur? Daily or only occasionally?
  5. Why - why is the cleaning to be done? Maintenance / prior to rebuilding / prior to repainting or to sanitize?
Whether you call and speak to someone personally or e-mail a request for recommendations, providing the above information will help us select the model that will satisfy your individual needs.

Contact our office to request pricing information on your selected model/s. Let us know if you want the quote e-mailed, faxed or drop in the US Mail. We will need to know the Shipping / Billing address to properly quote delivery of equipment.

  1. Placing an Order.
    1. Call 804-798-4900 or 804-365-7959    Monday - Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ET
    2. Fax 772-402-4548    (24 / 7)
  2. Method of Payment.
    1. We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover
    2. Sorry - NO C.O.D.

    Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale