Phosphate Cleaning and Surface Preparation
Proper Cleaning and Coating is Key to Improved Paint Bonding.
One or Two Step Aqueous Parts-Cleaning / Surface Prep System
The type of equipment you decide to use will depend on the size, volume and acceptable cleanliness
standard you set for your washing process. Ideally most applications should use a multi-stage line
washer. ( see section on Automated Parts Washing )
However, in many cases because of part size, volume of productivity or budgetary constraints a
single-stage wash is the answer.
Jenny Phosphate Cleaning is a manually hand held application system designed to meet
the needs of larger parts cleaning and phosphatizing at an economical price. This heated system is used to
accelerate the cleaning action of the phosphatizer / cleaner. Special designed all stainless steel
trigger style gun and downstream chemical injection.
Formulated chemicals available to clean and phosphatize in one process without rinsing.
Removes traces of machining oils and finger print smudges allowing quality paint adhesion. This forms
a good base for paints and powder coating.
 Stainless Steel Equipped Gas Fired HPW 1530 GES
- Improves Paint Adhesion
- Improves Finished Product Appearance
- Improves Manufacturing Environment
- Improves Quality / Consistency of Finish
- Increases Ability to Handle Larger Parts
- Increases Drying / Turnaround Time
- Increases Corrosion Protection
- Increases Application Control
- Decreases Chemical Consumption
- Decreases Production Cost
- Decrease Labor Concerns
- Hot Application System - accelerate the cleaning action of the phosphatizer.
- Hot Application System - quickens parts drying and turnaround times.
- Gas Fired Burner - eliminates operator interaction with machinery.
- Stationary Model - allows plumbing and operation from remote location.
- Stationary Model - allows machinery placement outside of wash bay - extending life.
- SS Down Stream Injection - by-passes and extends heating coil life.
- SS Down Stream Injection - allows balanced proportioning of chemicals.
- SS Trigger Gun and Wand - designed specifically for use with phospatizers.
- High Efficiency Heat Exchange Coil - schedule 80 iron pipe for longest life.
- Adjustable Temperature Control - allows proper application for range of chemicals.
- Dual Chemical Application available - allowing manual multi-stage applications.